Wild cats come in all sizes sand cats

Did you know the Felidae or cat family contains 41 species? Three quarters of them are small wild cats weighing less than 50 pounds (22.7 kg). Like these Sand Cats, many are about the size of a domestic cat, and the smallest species weigh just 2 pounds (0.9 kg) as an adult.

Our Mission: To aid in the conservation of small wild cat species through education, public awareness and support for scientific field research projects.

For over 30 years, ISEC Canada has worked to publicize the small wild cats and funded research projects around the world. With the generous support of our members and cat friends, we continue to fund this critical work. Your donations help researchers purchase radio collars, trail cameras and other equipment needed to study the elusive small cats.


Learn more about the small wild cats

Our website contains fact sheets on all 40(+1) Felidae species (yes we have included our beloved domestic cats). Information on the wild species is updated regularly, with information from the IUCN World Conservation Union Cat Specialist Group, and researchers in the field.

Wild cats are found on every continent with the exception of Australia and Antarctica. Tropical Asia has 10 species of small wild cat, Africa has 9, Eurasia has 7, and The Americas have 14.


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Updated 2024